Oracle MAF store bypass

Feb 15, 2019

This blogpost is a direct copy of previous research i have done at PenTestPartners. The original post resides here:

This blog post is purely for archive purposes only

On a recent assignment I was asked to look at the security of a cloud-based solution for expenses, the Oracle® ExpensesCloud with Fusion applications. It was being used for employees to create/save/edit/submit claims to the employer.


Having default hardcoded credentials allows an attacker effortless  compromise of the credentialed action. In this instance the attack  allows someone to inject a custom Certificate Authority into the  application’s KeyStore allowing the attacker to man-in-the-middle the  traffic for further analysis!

Let’s get into it

Each employee had a work mobile phone with the “Oracle: Fusion Mobile  Expenses” application installed, so the first step was to replicate it  in my Android phone testing environment.

Not the actual environment ?

Cert pinning bypass?

The application uses its own SSL/TLS KeyStore, outside of the normal  device cert repository, so normal Cert pinning bypass techniques won’t  work. Trust me I tried a lot!

Onwards to the KeyStore

Once the application was installed I found an interestingly named file called “mafcerts.jks” in the application data folder. On android it’s located here “/data/data/

As always I decompiled the application to look through the source  code looking for interesting strings. Specifically I wanted to know if  there was any info on the “mafcerts.jks” in the source code.

There was:

Great, we now have the hardcoded creds for the keystore. ?

NOTE: these default creds are very well known in the Java/Oracle world for all KeyStores


Time to Burp

So, the next step was to try and add my own “Burp CA” into the file to be able to MiTM the apps https traffic.

Download the “mafcerts.jks” file to your computer.

You will also need the Burp CA file too, here is how to do that:

Rename the Burp certificate filetype to end in *.pem instead of *.cer

If you have java installed on your Linux distro you should be able to run “keytool” from anywhere, but if not try these steps:

“find / -name jre” “cd /path/to/jre/location” “./keytool”

Once you can run “keytool” and have both “mafcerts.jks” and “<burpcafile>.pem” you can now add Burps CA file to the KeyStore.

“keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias portswiggerca -file burpcert.pem -keystore mafstore.jks”

It will then ask you for the password “changeit” as found earlier.

It will ask you to “trust” this new cert. Type “yes” and you’re done. Now you can verify the new cert has been added to the KeyStore:

“keytool -list -v -keystore mafcerts.jks | grep Alias”

Now all you have to do is replace the “mafcerts.jks” file in the  application directory on the phone (using ADB for android) and restart  the app.

MiTM time

Additionally, you can now MiTM the application in the normal way with proxy droid or via the wireless proxy settings.

PS. if you see Oracle built apps, they mostly use this method of cert pinning. Don’t waste a day like I did!